Attention! Starting in Issue 4 Peasant Magazine will be paying a small stipend to contributors, a sum of $0.01 for every 10 words. Thus a 6,000 word short story will pay $6 USD. We purchase both reprint rights and first world-wide publication rights. You should be aware that if your story is published by Peasant Magazine you will no longer be able to sell first publication rights to another publisher. So if you want to get paid more we recommend publishing elsewhere and then you can always submit to Peasant Magazine later for reprinting after you've already been paid by a different publisher.
ARCANE TOMESArcane Tomes / is an indie fantasy bookstore (of sorts) sponsored by Peasant Magazine and serves to promote Indie Fantasy Books, and also serves to promote Peasant Magazine itself. Joining Arcane Tomes is free and the only requirement is that authors must have self-published at least one book. Literary magazines/journals that publish fantasy stories by indie authors are also acceptable.
Past Issues | Open for Submissions | Submission Guidelines | Deadlines | FAQ | Contact
SUBMISSION GUIDELINESPeasant Magazine is a literary journal that aims to feature fantasy and historical fiction stories. The journal is run by volunteers, and we have no set timeline for the release of the next issue. We are currently accepting works of short fiction that are between 1,000 to 12,000 words in length. We may sometimes accept submissions that exceed that length, but any lengthier works will be considered a hard sell for us. Ideally we want to be accepting 10 works of fiction per magazine issue. Our end goal for each issue is to be releasing a magazine that is between 40k and 60k words in length. We also accept non-fiction articles on topics related to fantasy storytelling or historical fiction. Non-fiction articles should be between 500 to 7,500 words, but please send a query first to see if we're interested in the topic you have in mind. We are focused on pre-industrial (pre-1750) settings such as the middle ages, ancient cultures, and the prehistoric era. Any pre-industrial setting (pre-1750) will do. Stories set after 1750 will be automatically rejected. We welcome original works or reprints and allow simultaneous submissions. However, if you decide to publish your work elsewhere prior to acceptance, please inform us. We have been entertaining the idea of a comic strip that has a historical fiction, fantasy or historical fantasy theme. We would love to see that become a regular feature in future issues. We are currently offering to pay a sum of $1 per comic strip, but we hope to gradually increase this as our readership grows. We are not interested in contemporary urban fantasy, weird westerns set after 1750, steampunk stories, royal romances, or court intrigue. Instead, we seek stories that focus on peasant/pauper fiction, with main characters who are poor or working-class. Please note that we are not interested in poetry, songs, flash fiction shorter than 1,000 words, or graphic novels at this time. We have a budget of zero and cannot pay contributors. We "buy" first world-wide publication rights or reprint rights upon acceptance. To submit your work, send it to us by email at, along with a brief one-sentence tagline of your story and a short "About the Author" paragraph, as well as links to your website, Amazon author page, Instagram, or Twitter accounts. Attach the story as a DOCX, TXT, or RTF document. If we do not respond within 60 days, please send a follow-up email to inquire about the status of your submission. We may need to make formatting changes to your work before publication, so please follow the guidelines we have provided. Peasant Magazine is currently published in two formats: A free PDF version that is available on our website, and a magazine-sized paperback version that is available on Amazon print-on-demand. The price for the paperback version is set very low to make it affordable and any profit from sales will be set aside so that we can pay authors. In the future we also want to make the magazine available in audiobook format, but we need volunteers to help with that aspect. Please note that stories are expected to be polished and pre-edited before submission. Our editors & proofreaders are volunteers so we have limited editing capacity. If your story is full of spelling and grammar errors, it will automatically be rejected. However, if your original story is within our desired length and well-written, it will likely be accepted. We may need to make formatting changes to your work before publication. To make this process easier please send documents using the following:
Notes: If you are using a pseudonym please make sure that your pseudonym is included in the manuscript's byline. At the request of our volunteer proofreaders: Writers may be asked to edit their work. It hurts their brains if the manuscript hasn't been edited at all. Literary Magazine Submitting Tips: Do's and Don'ts
WHEN IS THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS?There isn't one. No deadlines. We are always open for new submissions for the next issue of the magazine. We like having the freedom to publish issues as quickly or as slowly as necessary. Less stressful for the publishers, editors, proofreaders, all of which are volunteers. By embracing laissez faire relaxed deadlines it means that we can work on Peasant Magazine whenever we find the time and there isn't really a rush to publish. The next issue will be available when we reach a total word count somewhere between 40 and 60k. We recommend keeping a record of your submissions to various literary magazines so you can remember which ones you have already submitted to. This in turn will help you to send reminders to them asking "Hey, have you read my story yet?" And you will be less likely to submit the same story to multiple sources and forget that you did that because you can just look at your records and realize you already submitted it to multiple places.
INTERVIEWSLooking for more information about Peasant Magazine? Check out the following interview: