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Author Newsletter / News: Charles Moffat
Subscribers are notified of upcoming sales and free ebooks, plus new books coming out that are available for preorder.
June 10th 2024 I've been very busy during the past year writing, editing and publishing a variety of things. As such I haven't updated this Newsletter section since May 2023. Whoops! Like I said, I am very busy. Since my last update I have released quite a few things. Here's the list, sorted alphabetically:
I've also updated the book covers for the Adventures of Wrathgar series. So yes, very busy. Happy Reading!
May 1st 2023 Added a Past Issues section to Peasant Magazine today. I needed to add it because Peasant Magazine, Issue Zero is now available as a proof of concept. I am aiming to release Issue One on October 1st 2023 (or possibly sooner) and am happy to report that Issue One is already 69% completed. People wishing to get their work into Issue One are advised to try and submit during May or June 2023. If your work isn't ready by then, not to worry, you can always submit for Issue Two or other future issues. Peasant Magazine is also seeking volunteers to help with: Marketing, Proofreading and Editing. If you want to help by volunteering please read our Magazine Volunteers section to learn how you can contribute. Happy Reading!
March 19th 2023 So I have finally decided to take the deep dive and create a literary magazine. This isn't a decision I have taken lightly. I have been thinking about creating such a magazine/journal for over a decade. The problem I have kept running into has always been the financial side of it. Eg. How to pay the authors, how much to charge for the magazine, best ways to publish it that makes good financial sense. These things have been holding me back and delaying my efforts to create such a magazine. But I finally arrived at a solution. Make it a free magazine available in PDF format. And inversely, make it non-profit. Just skip the financial side of it entirely. Operate the magazine with a budget of $0. And following this theme of having no money I decided to name it "Peasant Magazine". The magazine is now Open for Submissions of fantasy / historical fantasy stories between 1,000 and 40,000 words. See fiction.charlesmoffat.com/peasantmagazine/ for more details about submission requirements. And in unrelated news my novelette "The Ghost of Garter Street" will be coming out on January 1st 2024, and the ebook version is available for preorder. The story is part of the Chronicles of Korovia series. Books II and III of that series are coming out April 1st and September 1st of 2023. The Chronicles of Korovia
Each story in the Chronicles of Korovia features dogs and/or wolves and the stories stand alone so readers don't need to read them in order. Happy Reading!
February 9th 2023 Good Morning! I have been hard at work lately revising an older book for republication ("Pawn of the Demon Prince", formerly known as "The Demon's Pawn") and it is close to being scheduled for release. But in the meantime I can also show off the book cover for "Pawn of the Demon Prince", shown here on the right. But I have also been updating my fiction.charlesmoffat.com website, which means I have updated a number of Fables, Myths and Legends pages, during which I noticed a few that were missing from my website. So those have been added. I have also updated the following two pages:
Happy Reading!
February 6th 2023 Good Morning! I recently had a new interview conducted regarding my fictional work. You can find the interview on fellow author Robb Wallace's website where it is called: "Charles Moffat Interview". If YouTube is more your thing you can also view one of my past interviews which was conducted with A. R. Mirabel back in 2022. Also a brief announcement... I recently set a goal of finishing and releasing certain books during 2023. They are:
So we will just have to wait and see what happens. Today I am working on the finishing touches of "Pawn of the Demon Prince". Happy Reading!
February 1st 2023 Hello! My new Wulfric the Wanderer novelette came out today: The Scarlet Arena in both ebook and large text paperback. The large text is for my older readers as Sword and Sorcery readers tend to be over the age of 40 and sometimes much older. If you're a regular to my website then you doubt noticed the big changes that happened today. In January 2023 I decided to redesign and relaunch my website. I had been using the same website design for my author website from 2008 until 2023 and I uploaded the new design on the morning of February 1st 2023 (today). The old design had a Wikipedia-esque feel to it and felt too academic so I decided that I wanted something that was a bit fancier/shinier which could show off more graphics, utilizing AI art that I have made during the past 3+ years. After roughly 15 years of using the old design it was past due for a change. If you already follow me on Instagram or Twitter then you know that I am constantly writing, making memes, and making artwork, some of which I will share here in my news feed. If you want to be updated on what I am doing (books wise) I recommend signing up for my newsletter. Just email fans-subscribe@charlesmoffat.com. You can unsubscribe by emailing fans-unsubscribe@charlesmoffat.com. Alternatively you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram to get updates on new books coming out. In the meantime I have a new anthology coming out on July 1st 2023, which will be available in hardcover, paperback and ebook formats: The Adventures of the Bogatyr: Anthology Collection The anthology includes the eight Bogatyr stories I previously released that feature Sir Ilya Bogdanovic, plus four extra stories that were not released anywhere else, a chapter excerpt from "The Coven's Wolves" about Sir Dobyrynya the Dragonslayer, and a chapter excerpt from an upcoming book that will feature Ilya, Dobrynya and other characters. Anyone wishing to read the first story from the series can do so by visiting polarborealis.ca/currentback-issues/ and downloading Issue No. 21 of the Polar Borealis magazine. If you're impatient to read all of the eight original Adventures of the Bogatyr stories they are available on Amazon as ebooks, but if you prefer paperback or hardcover then I recommend waiting for those versions to be released on July 1st. The Chronicles of Korovia Good news for dog lovers! My series of dog / wolf related stories (The Chronicles of Korovia) has received a visual update and a new book is coming out in the series. The first book ("A Hount Named Hunter") has a new book cover, and the second book ("The Hab & the Witch") is finally coming out on April 1st 2023. I am also working on rewriting/editing book three of the series.
![]() ![]() Happy Reading!